Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fido Fest

There is no happier place for me, than to be surrounded by dogs and the people who love them. We went to Fido Fest in Castle Rock last weekend and pet as many dogs as we could get our hands on. I purchased a double leash for Fletcher and Livvy and we watched the cutest dog contest, which included a beautiful pit bull with the best manners I have ever seen, being directed by a six year old girl. I have a special place in my heart for the breed. They are the most misunderstood and mistreated dog and it just breaks my heart. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Anyway, after we had enough of the Fest, we decided to pay a visit to the Dumb Friends League across the highway and donate some money and look at the dogs. Dylan fell in love with a puppy that we couldn't have for so many reasons. He stood there, in the middle of the dog enclosure, crying and hugging me. My only response was to cry with him and stroke his hair. If I could, I'd save them all. Poor little angels. People suck.

We came home and showered our three current canines with hugs and kisses and the promise to take care of them as best we can.

"You can tell which room is Dylan's because of the bump-head" (bunk bed)
"Mom, I bless you'd in the hall" (sneezed)
"Hey, wanna play 'sticker, sticker, what's your game?'" (wha??)

Friday, August 13, 2010

sad, sad display

I like to consider myself an athlete, at least a little bit, having run 8 half marathons, one full and countless 5K and 10K but this morning would beg to differ.

I decided that I would strap Casey on the back of my purple Wal-Mart bike and ride with Dylan to school. It's only about a mile, but boy what a mile. At the time I committed to this, I didn't realize the hills I would encounter. I went with a friend from around the corner who has four kids and is training for a triathlon. I'm not sure she's human. I asked her not to laugh at me (like my husband would) but that I'd give it a try.

I made it with one walking break on the way home. I am pale, sweaty and nauseous, like a first day Biggest Loser contestant. Dylan made it just fine and I am proud of our efforts to get a little exercise and fresh air and save a buck from riding the bus.

Unfortunately, I have to do it all again to pick him up from school.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I have this son, who really has no interest in playing sports. He's wiry and energetic, so I know he's got some potential in there somewhere. I feel like we have tried it all and nothing has stuck. We have done soccer (3 times) football (2 times) baseball, ice skating, Tae Kwon Do (3 times) and signed him up for a 5K race which he never made it to. It is becoming increasingly frustrating. I just want the kid to find his "thing". Something he's pretty good at, and is willing to work at. I get chills seeing other kids succeed in sports and understand how proud his parents must feel.

Dylan will be nine in a few weeks and it is time for him to find his place, before everyone exceeds him (cause they've been doing it since they could walk).

Our latest experiment is gymnastics. We took him last night for a trial class. I watched as the boys who are good enough to compete were practicing. I was amazed at the strength and fludity of their moves. I was watching these kids practice so hard, over and over. They want to exceed, all on their own. That's all I want for D. To have something he gives a crap about. I don't even care if he's good, but for him to have the drive to practice would be enough. I love to run. I'm not fast, but I love to run. That's all.

Corey and I watched while the coach worked with him. That boy is a true beginner. We commented how he looked like a windsock, legs flailing about, no form whatsoever and tongue outside his lips to help him concentrate. He came off the floor sweaty and smiling. Mission accomplished, he starts next week. I know this is only the first session, but I honestly have not seen him so excited about a sport, ever. I am beaming with pride and hope. Let's hope it sticks.

Monday, August 2, 2010

crappy day... pleasant night

So, things have been all around crappy lately. Nothing really in particular; the end of summer, my flippin' stress fracture, worries about looking for a new job and money. You know, the usual.

Tonight has been lovely though. Well, lovely after the part where Dylan got in major trouble, sent to his room and lost Wii for three days. After dinner, sometimes the kids and I like to go for a walk. When things have finally cooled down and to waste a little time before the late summer bedtime. Tonight, it started to rain, but it didn't stop us. We popped some popcorn to take along in some old gift bags and threw on our rain jackets. It was heavenly. Then it poured and we headed home. Corey came to find us to see if we needed a ride. Silly man. He also made me take the umbrella which he knew I wouldn't use. I'm from Colorado. We don't use umbrellas. period.

When we got back home, we listened to rather loud music. The kids sitting on the kitchen counter and me folding laundry. Then Dylan moved to the couch to read SkyMall. I know, I know, but at least he's reading.

Anyway, a perfect summer night. As long as the kids don't screw it up by being obnoxious about going to bed, it will all end well.