Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So, I'm doing everything right. I've had 3 days of being really good. Keeping in my calorie limit (no small feat since I'm only allowed 1300 or so) and have run every day since Friday. I logged 3 miles Friday and Saturday, 1.5 trail run Sunday and 3 again yesterday. Today I did a little yoga (man I suck at that) and strength training on the Wii Fit. I plan to run just 2 maybe while Casey is in gym class. Even with all of this, the scale put me up 3 pounds. That bastard. Even Wii fit lady - I need to come up with a name for her - didn't reflect that. I just know one of these days the scale will say "Wow, you lost 4 pounds and are at your goal weight, way to go Beth". Or maybe that's what I'll say when the numbers reflect my work. I am well aware that 3 days is not enough to judge, or to expect results, but when the numbers go up, it's hard not to lose momentum.

I'll just stay the course. When my kids were babies and didn't sleep through the night-we're talking well over a year-I used to chant "just stay the course" in my head, knowing that if I just kept doing what I was doing, they would eventually figure it out, and they did. I'm hoping the same formula works here.


  1. A friend recently told me when you gain it, it's water, when you lose it, it's weight. Let's call it water and it will all just go away one day. I'm not stepping on the scale because it's evil. Well, that's not true. I stepped on it this morning so I could figure out how much my "fill" weighs. Tomorrow morning I'll weigh in again and see the result. Such a geek, I know.

  2. Oh, and you are awesome running practically every day. Go for it!
