Tuesday, December 29, 2009

progress day 2

Yesterday ended pretty well. I got into some more treats and had a veggie burger for dinner. Boy I hope these posts evolve into meals that actually include vegetables. I did have some honey roasted peanuts late, but no alcohol. Ended up about 400 calories over, but still within the limit to maintain. I figure I need to wean off the sweets. They're almost gone anyway. Weight today is up 2 pounds, but I know that's not necessarily a reflection of what I did yesterday. Got up and did Wii fit this morning. Not a real calorie blaster, but I'm working on strength, balance and flexibility. Will walk again tomorrow and plan on really starting to run/walk next week. Still very sore in the chest area, almost like the expanders are coming out of place, but then I do a quick check and they haven't moved of course.


  1. Losing weight is such a tough thing to do. I lost 30 lbs 5 or 6 years ago and now it's almost all back. I'm in my "fat pants" and my shirts fit wierd, if they fit at all. I refuse to buy any clothes until after my implants are in and I lose some weight. I did it with the low carb thing last time but will try to find a healthier way this time.

  2. I would think low carb would suck Kelly. I love the calorie counter at livestrong.com. I was amazed at how quickly the weight came off just by counting calories-something I did NOT want to do. Good luck and Happy 2010!
